Triple QX concentrated Blue Anti-Freeze & Summer Coolant
Our High quality Blue Antifreeze and Coolant has a powerful formula with 2 years protection for all seasons. It is suitable for any vehicle currently using Blue antifreeze / coolant and meets BC6589 (1992) Standard. Awarded BEST BUY by Car Mechanics Magazine based on heat / frost resistance and value for money!
Triple QX Blue Antifreeze Concentrate is an ethylene glycol based engine coolant concentrate formulated meeting BS6580 for use in all engines including those constructed from aluminium alloys. It employs established inhibitor technology and is nitrite, amine and phosphate (NAP) free and includes borate and silicate. Triple QX Blue Antifreeze provides up to 40,000 miles of service in passenger cars. It is advised the coolant is replaced when the above mileage have been reached or a period of 2 years, whichever is sooner.